Hello Universe,

I'm Aaryan, a fourth-year undergrad majoring in math at  Stanford University. I'm primarily interested in number theory, algebraic geometry, combinatorics, and whatever weird and wonderful ways they may overlap. In Dyson's Classification terms, I'd categorize myself as a flying frog.

I'm massively invested in mathematical pedagogy and have worked in a variety of teaching roles. My goal is to pursue a PhD and eventually go on to become a professor, educator, writer and communicator of mathematics.

Apart from math I read and think a lot about computer science, physics, philosophy and creative fiction. Look around the site to see more. Contact me at aaryan11@stanford.edu.


  • REU on Supersingular Diagonal Curves at SURIM 2023. Done in collaboration with MachaDom and RPCat.

  • (Ongoing) Honors Thesis on number-theoretic Langlands, supervised by Prof. Brian Conrad. Updated every week or so.


See More

Pedagogy and Outreach

Some Resources

Some Art

Selected Writings

  • Unfolded: a short sci-fi story, probably the work I'm proudest of. Mentored and edited by the absolutely wonderful Scott Hutchins.
  • Colourless: my entry in a flash fiction competition, back when I attended a British-curriculum high-school (hence the spelling).
  • Three Seconds: a short poem from the perspective of Mother Nature.
  • WhYuPenN: a joke essay I wrote out of frustration while in the depths of college applications. Sorry UPenn.